PERIODONTITIS is the severe infection and inflammation of the ligaments and bones supporting the teeth.
At our esteemed dental clinic in Gk1, we follow a thorough evaluation protocol for all the gum diseases. PERIODONTITIS is the inflammation and infection of the bones and ligaments that support the teeth. The dentists at gk1 Orion dental care are highly skilled and trained for evaluating the health of the gums during the initial consultation appointment with the help of IOPA and OPG films. Â People suffering from diseases such as diabetes develop gum diseases more often than others. In a lack of appropriate treatment, a more severe and advanced stage i.e. periodontitis may lead to bone loss, which is irreversible.
A PERIODONTIST refers to a dentist practicing in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of periodontal disease.
In Orion, there is a team of Dentists at Gk1. the periodontal health needs to be achieved in the minimally invasive and most cost-effective manner. This is often done with the help of thorough non-surgical periodontal treatment, Â that includes scaling and root planing.
The surgical treatment is usually advised for cases that are resistant and where complete removal of the irritants from the surface of the tooth is impossible by scaling only. Due to the deep insertion of the deposits. The two main stages of periodontal disease are gingivitis and periodontitis.
Polishing, scaling, and sometimes curettage is often used for managing gingival and early periodontal disease. They are usually done in two to three visits spaced in a gap of a few days. The use of both ultrasonic and manual instruments is used for removing calculus (tartar and plaque).
The ultrasonic scaler vibrates at a higher frequency range that is inaudible to the human ear. A spray of water is used along with ultrasound for preventing overheating or for flushing out the dislodged debris.
The dentist assists in smoothening the rough spots on the tooth. Smoothing the surface is quite helpful in removing the bacteria that collects there (root planing) and assists in gums reattachment.
Polishing is the finishing procedure. It uses a rubber cup with an abrasive paste to remove plaque and stains on the crown portion of the tooth. It produces a smooth surface, making it harder for plaque to adhere.
FLAP SURGERY The flap surgery is also known as flap operation includes a reflection of the gums by 2-3 mm and debriding the area under the influence of local anesthesia to buy direct visualization of the deposits. The procedure is entirely painless and requires minimum post-operative pain or pain.
GUM PROBLEMS AND DIABETES MELLITUS Gum disease is one of the main causes of losing your teeth among adults and is also often linked to diabetes control. It is an infection in the gum tissues and bone that helps in keeping your teeth in place and has also been associated with heart diseases and strokes as well.