A majority of the population shuns dentist appointments or dental treatment due to anxiety and apprehensions. This is commonly known as DENTAL PHOBIA that stops people from getting important dental care, which eventually leads to a total loss of the tooth structure and possibly compromises the functionality as well as their oral health and smile.
For certain patients who suffer a high level of Nervousness/Anxiety, we have introduced anesthesia/Sedation Dental treatment. Here we give a relaxed and anxiety-free environment for our patients. This treatment is quite suitable for those who are too scared to undergo dental treatment and undergo the common apprehension popularly known as dental phobia. It is also beneficial for patients who face trouble controlling their movements (including children).
Sedation refers to a process that builds a calm, relaxed, and easy state with the help of sedatives. Sedative drugs include anti-anxiety medications, tranquilizers, depressants, nitrous oxide, etc. and can be given in a variety of ways.
There are several types and levels of dental sedation; the sedation dentistry technique advised by your dentist depends on the treatment you will get and/or the status of your dental anxiety. Your dentist then figures out whether you are a suitable candidate for mild sedation with oral sedatives or nitrous oxide or stronger sedation with the help of intravenous drugs.
Sedation differs with every anesthetic injections. Although certain types of sedatives may raise your threshold for pain, most of the dental treatments still need a local anesthetic injected in the mouth, even when sedation dentistry techniques are implemented.
Given below are the four dental sedation techniques that give varying degrees of sedation. These include:
This anesthetic method refers to the induction of light sedation. There are various types of sedatives that leads to anxiolysis; however, nitrous oxide, a type of inhalation sedative, is the most regularly used method for causing relaxation.
Conscious Sedation
Moderate dental sedation can be either with nitrous oxide or IV sedation. These sedatives tend to cause conscious sedation, where the patient is awake and responds to commands however goes into a state of extreme relaxation and feels no pain.
Deep Sedation
Deep sedation refers to a state where one is somewhere between the unconscious and conscious. Patients given deep sedation are not able to respond to any commands in a steady manner and might need some assistance with breathing in case when they are not able to keep their airways open.
General anesthesia leads to the closing of the airway Due to this the patients will require assistance with breathing. This method of dental sedation is limited to oral surgery only.
ORION DENTAL CARE CENTRE is located in Delhi having a highly proficient and competent team of anesthetists, physicians along with other support staff comprising excellent emergency care services to give the best anesthesia/sedation dental treatment for anxious patients.